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Information on Employment Permit System (EPS) > The Significance and History of EPS

Employment Permit System

The Significance and History of EPS

By systematically introducing and managing foreign workers, the Employment Permit System alleviates the lack of laborers in small to mid-sized businesses and contributes to the balanced growth of the nation’s economy.

Allocation of Foreign Workforce for 2022
  • Established allocation plan for each period reflecting the characteristics and demands of each type of business
  • Implemented scoring system for all types of businesses
Allocation of Foreign Workforce for 2021
  • Established allocation plan for each period reflecting the characteristics and demands of each type of business
  • Implemented scoring system for all types of businesses
Allocation of Foreign Workforce for 2020
  • Established allocation plan for each period reflecting the characteristics and demands of each type of business
  • Implemented scoring system for all types of businesses
Allocation of Foreign Workforce for 2019
  • Established allocation plan for each period reflecting the characteristics and demands of each type of business
  • Implemented scoring system for all types of businesses
Allocation of Foreign Workforce for 2018
  • Established allocation plan for each period reflecting the characteristics and demands of each type of business
  • Implemented scoring system for all types of businesses
Allocation of Foreign Workforce for 2017
  • Established allocation plan for each period reflecting the characteristics and demands of each type of business
  • Implemented scoring system for all types of businesses
Allocation of Foreign Workforce for 2016
  • Established allocation plan for each period reflecting the characteristics and demands of each type of business
  • Implemented scoring system for all types of businesses
Feb. 11, 2016
Held Foreign Workforce Policy Committee
  • Recognized as special cases of employment for the firms operating in the Gaeseong Industrial Complex
Allocation of Foreign Workforce for 2015
  • Established allocation plan for each period reflecting the characteristics and demands of each type of business
  • Implemented scoring system for all types of businesses
Oct. 22, 2015
Revised Enforcement Rule of the Act on the Employment, etc. of Foreign Workers
  • Revised Standard Labor Contract
  • Newly established Standard Labor Contract for Agriculture and Livestock Industry
December 2015
Revised Enforcement Rule of the Act on the Employment, etc. of Foreign Workers
  • Differentiated the period for efforts to employ Nationals
  • If actively seeking to employ workers, the period for efforts to employ nationals will be reduced.
Allocation of Foreign Workforce for 2014
  • Established allocation plan for each period reflecting the characteristics and demands of each type of business
  • Implemented scoring system for all types of businesses
Jun. 30, 2014
Unified the Report for Change in Employment of Foreign Workers between the Ministry of Employment and Labor and the Ministry of Justice as a part of regulatory reform
Jul. 29, 2014
Revised Act on the Employment, etc. of Foreign Workers, and Enforcement Decree and Enforcement Rule of the same Act
  • Reorganized the regulation on making payment for the departure guarantee insurance after departing the country.
  • Prepared Dormant Claims Management Committee Operational Rule
  • Prepared the procedure for receipt/usage of application fee for Test of Proficiency in Korean (TOPIK)
  • Expanded the reasons for reissuing employment permit
Oct. 13, 2014
Unified the Report for Starting the Work between the Ministry of Employment and Labor and the Ministry of Justice as a part of regulatory reform
Allocation of Foreign Workforce for 2013
  • Established allocation plan for each period reflecting the characteristics and demands of each type of business
  • Implemented scoring system for all types of businesses
Dec. 20, 2013
Held Foreign Workforce Policy Committee
  • Resolution of foreign workers introduction plan for 2013
    • Managing at a level around 53,000 for general foreign workers, and 303,000 for overseas Koreans.
    • To relieve the problem of lack of workers at the place of business, parts of the quota were assigned in advance in 2012
  • Newly introduced businesses and maximum number of workers allowed for each workplace
    • As there is a need to support Ppuri Industry, additional recognition of limitations in new employment is expanded to all the areas of Ppuri Industry
    • Partial increase in the limitation of new employment in the fisheries, and preferential support for the employment of foreign workers by U-turn companies
  • Repealed the registration system for the overseas Koreans for being employed in the construction industry, and unified as total management
Apr. 9 – 27, 2012
Modified new worker allocation method and early allocation of quota for second half
  • Modified the previous first come first served new worker allocation method (conversion into scoring system allocation method)
  • The quota for the second half is moved up to first half for certain businesses in 2012 (agriculture and livestock industry: 1,000 / fisheries: 530 / construction: 330)
Jul. 2, 2012
Implemented special cases of re-entry employment for loyal workers
  • Prevented illegal stay of the employees whose work authorization has expired.
  • Supported continued utilization of skilled workers
Improved the placement system for those who are changing their workplace
  • Stopped providing the list of companies giving job offers to prevent illegal brokers from getting involved.
  • Strengthened the job placement function of employment center.
Sep. 13, 2012
Held Foreign Workforce Policy Committee
  • Resolution of foreign workers introduction plan for 2013
    • Managing at a level around 62,000 for general foreign workers, and 303,000 for overseas Koreans.
    • To relieve the problem of lack of workers at the place of business, parts of the quota were assigned in advance in 2012
  • Expanded special cases of re-entry employment for loyal workers
  • Newly introduced businesses and maximum number of workers allowed for each workplace
    • Reduced the limit for recruiting new employees in the manufacturing field./li>
    • Adjusted the limit for recruiting new employees in the construction field depending on the scale of construction.
Aug. 1, 2011
Enforced the Act on the Employment, etc. of Foreign Workers and Enforcement Decree of the same Act
  • Repealed the regulation on returning employment permit
  • Adjusted the scope of application for departure guarantee insurance, etc. (extended to 4 or less)
  • Reorganized regulation on fine for negligence
  • Reduced the employment training after entry (20 hrs. ⇒ 16 hrs.)
  • Adjusted reemployment application period (45 days/15 days before ⇒ 7 days before)
  • Adjusted the scope of work for the agencies (prepared the base for agency business for overseas Koreans)
Nov. 3, 2011
Prepared a Special EPS-TOPIK (Employment Permit System – Test of Proficiency in Korean)
  • The Special EPS-TOPIK was conducted for the return workers of Vietnam and Thailand as a pilot project (Dec. 2011).
Dec. 29, 2011
Held Foreign Workforce Policy Committee
  • Resolution of foreign workers introduction plan for 2012
  • Newly introduced businesses and maximum number of workers allowed for each workplace (same as 2011)
  • Aiming to prepare measures for employees whose work authorization has expired, and resolve the human resources mismatch for small and medium enterprises.
Jan. 24, 2010
Held Foreign Workforce Policy Committee
  • Newly introduced businesses and maximum number of workers allowed for each workplace: same as 2008 & 2009
  • Maximum of 2 overseas Koreans may be employed for each workplace only for the first class, second class, and third class tourist hotels.
Apr. 10, 2010
Revised the Act on the Employment, etc. of Foreign Workers and the Enforcement Decree of the same Act
  • Prepared the base for canceling the certificate of exceptionally permissible employment
  • Added the reasons for restricting employment of foreign workers
  • Adjusted the target for imposing penalty and fine for negligence.
  • Added the reasons for not including the number of workplace changes in calculation (workers who have not been placed in workplace).
Apr. 12, 2010
Enforced Enforcement Rule of the Act on the Employment, etc. of Foreign Workers
  • Extended the period for efforts to employ nationals (7 days ⇒ 14 days)
  • Rationalized reemployment application period (differentiated to 45 days before, and 15 days before).
Jul. 30, 2010
Held Foreign Workforce Policy Committee
  • Additional introduction of foreign workforce and allocation by type of business (Manufacturing: 8,000 / Agriculture and Livestock Industry: 1,100 / Fishery: 300)
Dec. 24, 2010
Held Foreign Workforce Policy Committee
  • Resolution of foreign workers introduction plan
March, 2009
Held Foreign Workforce Policy Committee
  • Deliberation and resolution on implementation of foreign workers introduction plan and visiting employee system for 2009
November 8, 2008
Held Foreign Workforce Policy Committee
  • Deliberation and resolution on foreign workers introduction plan; the permitted number of workers for manufacturing industry was expanded due to shortage of workforce
  • Changed employment permit standards by the workplace in the construction business; employment of foreign workers in the accommodations (Tourist Hotels are included) has been permitted, and maximum number of workers permitted for employment in restaurants has been expanded; and adjusted the number of workers being introduced in the agricultural and livestock industries
November 8, 2007
Held Foreign Workforce Policy Committee
  • Deliberation and resolution on foreign workers introduction plan; the permitted number of workers for manufacturing industry was expanded due to shortage of workforce
  • Changed employment permit standards by the workplace in the construction business; employment of foreign workers in the accommodations (Tourist Hotels are included) has been permitted, and maximum number of workers permitted for employment in restaurants has been expanded; and adjusted the number of workers being introduced in the agricultural and livestock industries
February 22, 2007
Amended Enforcement Decree and Enforcement Rule of the 「Act on Foreign Workers’ Employment, etc.」
  • Regulated the requirements of issuance of the confirmation document on exceptionally permissible employment for foreign workers subject to exceptionally permissible employment and users
Held Foreign Workforce Policy Committee
  • Deliberation and resolution on implementation of foreign workers introduction plan and visiting employee system for 2007
January 3, 2007
Amended 「Act on Foreign Workers’ Employment, etc.」
  • Reorganized the procedures related to employment for the ethnic Korean Foreign Workers who have made entry into Korea on Working Visit (H-2) Visa
November 30, 2006
Held Foreign Workforce Policy Committee
  • Deliberation of the details of the work plan on Employment Permit System (EPS) regarding the unification of the foreign manpower system in 2007
    • Additional designation of train recommendation group of the Industrial Trainee System as agencies for Employment Permit System (EPS)
    • Scope of work for the agencies
    • Selection method of foreign workers
    • Conducting employment training on foreign workers
    • Post-management and collecting post-management fee, etc. on foreign workers
July 1, 2006
Amended Enforcement Decree of the 「Act on Foreign Workers’ Employment, etc.」
  • Rearrangement of procedures due to the integration of confirmation document on lack of manpower and employment permit document, regulation of the reasons for cancelling S-TOPIK, etc.
March 14, 2006
Held Foreign Workforce Policy Committee
  • Deliberation of the introduction scale of foreign workers (105,000 workers) and additionally permitted businesses for introduction (Aquaculture, Repair of Motor Vehicles Specific Part, Motor Vehicle Cleaning Services, Saunas, Collection and Wholesale of Recycling Materials), maximum permitted employment by size of the workplace, selection of origin country (10 countries), etc. for 2006
December 30, 2005
Amended 「Act on Foreign Workers’ Employment, etc.」
  • Deletion of regulation on issuance of confirmation document on lack of manpower (effective from July 1, 2006)
  • Prepared a legal basis for the management of S-TOPIK, including the designation and cancellation of the institution in charge of S-TOPIK (delegated to Presidential Decree)
  • Permission for employment on type of business was expanded for foreign workers subject to exceptionally permissible employment
    • Manufacturing, Agricultural and Livestock Industry, or Inshore and Coastal Fishing, in which the business or workplace is decided by Policy Committee in consideration of the characteristics of each of the industry
  • Repealed regulation on mandatory reporting of employers on initiation of work (July 1, 2006)
  • Newly established a provision on imposition of fine for negligence for those who were late in making monthly payment or trust money at least 3 times on departure guarantee insurance, etc.
November 30, 2005
Amended Enforcement Decree of the 「Act on Foreign Workers’ Employment, etc.」
  • Added requirements for issuance of confirmation document on lack of manpower for the employers who have hired foreign workers
    • Must be insured for either departure guarantee insurance or departure guarantee lump-sum payment, and guarantee insurance
  • When paying lump-sum payment of departure guarantee insurance, if the amount is less than that of severance pay, the difference is paid to the foreign worker.
  • When re-employing an employee, who has been employed in accordance with 「Act on Foreign Workers’ Employment, etc.」 and the 3 years of work authorization has expired, the restriction period of re-employment was reduced: 6 months → 1 month
  • Added projects to support the operation of departure guarantee insurance, return cost insurance, and guarantee insurance/casualty insurance to the projects related to foreign workers by Minister of Labor
July 27, 2005
Held Foreign Workforce Policy Committee
  • The industrial trainee system was repealed and was integrated into Employment Permit System (EPS) for foreign workers from January 1, 2007
  • Previous D-3 for industrial trainee (those who are employed are E-8) is considered a foreign worker (E-9) under Employment Permit System (EPS) for foreign workers starting Jan. 1, 2007
  • Replacement workers are supplied (Dec. 31, 2005, for re-employment Apr. 30, 2006) regarding employers who made foreign workers (who were legalized in 2003) leave the country voluntarily
July 5, 2005
Repealed the principle of 「One System for One Workplace」
May 31, 2005
Amended 「Act on Foreign Workers’ Employment, etc.」
  • Re-employment restriction period is reduced: 1 year → 6 months
  • When re-employing an employee, who has been employed in accordance with 「Act on Foreign Workers’ Employment, etc.」 and the 3 years of work authorization has expired, the restriction period of re-employment was reduced (decided in the Enforcement Decree): 6 months → 1 month
May 11, 2005
Pending governmental policy control meeting
  • The agreement by the relevant departments to repeal the existing industrial trainee system and integrate into Employment Permit System (EPS) for foreign workers
March 12, 2005
Amended 「Act on Foreign Workers’ Employment, etc.」
  • Prepared a legal basis to reduce the period for efforts to hire native workers (1 month → 3 days or 7 days, etc.)
March 2, 2005
Held Foreign Workforce Policy Committee
  • Finalized foreign workers introduction plan for 2005
    • Additional introduction of foreign workers and to minimize manpower vacuum, introduce as many as the actual number of workers leaving the country (39,000 + α)
    • Reserve manpower for replacement of industrial trainee was adjusted (33,000 workers → 40,000 workers)
    • In addition to the newly introduced types of business in 2004, Refrigerated Warehousing (general EPS), and maintenance and repair services of motor vehicles (foreign workers subject to exceptionally permissible employment) were added.
    • Expanded permitted number of foreign worker employment for workplaces with 4 workers or less (2 workers → 5 workers)
December 31, 2004
mended 「Act on Foreign Workers’ Employment, etc.」
  • The subjects for consultation with origin countries have become more specific.
    • The government organization in charge of labor administration, or if there is no government organization in charge of labor administration, then the department having the closest function
December 23, 2004
Opened Korea Foreign Workers Support Center
  • Provided systematic counseling on difficulties, and life adjustment service to foreign workers
  • Operated private/governmental cooperative project type (delegated to ‘Jiguchon Sarang Nanum’ corporation, established network with more than 150 foreigner supporting groups)
    • Counseling on difficulties using the foreign workers’ languages, and education on Korean language, computers, everyday life, and laws
August 31, 2004
For the first time, 92 Philippine workers entered into Korea
August 17, 2004
Amended Enforcement Decree of the 「Act on Foreign Workers’ Employment, etc.」
  • To the deliberation and resolution matter by foreign workforce policy committee, Article 24-3, Paragraph 1, each subparagraph of the Enforcement Decree of the 「Immigration Control Act」 was added.
    • Issues regarding recruitment and management of industrial trainee, which is under deliberation by foreign industrial worker policy deliberation committee
March 25, 2004
Held Foreign Workforce Policy Committee
  • Finalized and announced foreign workers supply plan for 2004
    • Total of 79,000 workers (25,000 Employment Permit System, 16,000 Employment Management System, 38,000 Industrial Trainee System)
March 17, 2004 ~ April 30
Amended Enforcement Decree and Enforcement Rule of the 「Act on Foreign Workers’ Employment, etc.」
September 1, 2003 ~November 30

As of March 31, 2003, implemented to legalize the illegal immigrants residing in Korea for less than 4 years (227,000 people) (Article 2 of supplementary provision) ※ 184,199 people (80.9% of the subjects) have been issued an Employment Verification Document or Visa Issuance Confirmation

August 16, 2003
Established and announced 「Act on Foreign Workers’ Employment, etc.」
July 31, 2003
National Assembly approves 「Act on Foreign Workers’ Employment, etc.」
July 15, 2003
The bill on Employment Permit System was resolved at the National Assembly Environment and Labor Committee and introduced at Legislation and Review Committee
July 2, 2003
he National Assembly Environment and Labor Committee opened an extra session of the National Assembly on the current issues of livelihoods of the public and agreed to examine the bill on the amendment of concurrently operating Industrial Trainee System and Employment Permit System (Act on Foreign Workers’ Employment, etc.).
March 29, 2003
Finalized and announced repeal of Industrial Trainee System and implementation of Employment Permit System ※ On the assumption that Employment Permit System will be introduced, for all the illegal immigrants, whose Grace Period expires in March 2003, the expiration period has been extended to end of August 2003 (Mar. 25)
December 6, 2002
Implemented Employment Management System for ethnic Korean Foreign Workers in the service field
December, 2002
Installed and operated 「Foreign Worker System Improvement Plan Team」 within Office for Government Policy Coordination (OPC)
November 13, 2002
Lee Jae Jeong and 33 other members of the assembly submitted the draft of the 「Act on Employment Permit and Human Rights Guarantee for Foreign Workers」 to the National Assembly
July 18, 2002
Prepared a measure to improve foreign worker system
  • Total number management system for trainees and employees was introduced (Aug. 29, 2002 Trainees 845,000 → Total number 1,455,000)
April 18, 2002
Employment period after training was expanded (Those who entered into the country before Apr. 17, 2002 are 2+1 years, and those who entered after that date are 1+2 years)
July 25, 2000
The Millennium Democratic Party planned to conduct a Presidential Brief on the implementation of the Employment Permit System (Aug 17), (Aug 24) but it was pushed back.
April 1, 2000
Implementation of the Training & Employment Program (Training 2 Yrs, Employment 1 Year)
1995 Made attempt to introduce Employment Permit System (EPS)
The Industrial Trainee System for Foreigners was introduced
November, 1991
Implemented overseas investment enterprise training system

